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Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

11 July 2024

EPD for all table models

We at Lundbergs Möbler are proud to announce that we have now developed and published Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for all of our table models. This extensive work provides us with detailed and verified information on the environmental impact of our products throughout their lifecycle, from raw materials to finished products.

Having access to concrete environmental data is an important milestone for us. It gives us a clear understanding of where we stand today and what steps we need to take to further reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and environmental impact. With the help of this data, we can work systematically towards our long-term goal of becoming even more sustainable and achieving the goals of Agenda 2030.

We strongly believe in transparency and responsibility throughout our business. Having EPDs for all of our table models is a step in the right direction towards creating more sustainable and environmentally friendly furniture. We look forward to continuing our efforts to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future for all.

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